Saturday, July 5, 2014

Project 10 Challenge: June 2014: Self Portrait

Projection 10 Challenge is a group of photographers that have a circle blog. Beyond that they invite photographers link a personal blog to their page.  The new blogs come out on the 10th of each month so mine needs to be in before then.  10 Photographs by the 10th of each month.

The topic this month is self portaits.  Ugh!!  I really hate self photo's or photo's being taken of me.  Even worse is attempting to take photographs of yourself and actually do a halfway decent job of it.  I am probably older than the average age in the group.  I have never been the petite kind of person.  These days there is a battle going on with the gray hairs, and as fast as I cover them up, so they pop out again.  I am of the mind to just let them grow out.  I have laughter lines (which is a nice way of addressing wrinkles).  I don't mind though, I can deal with them.  I have a crazy parting at the front of my head that always lies wrong.  These days, it is easier to just live with what I perceive as flaws and enjoy life, than to persistently worry about them.  There are far more important things at my age than worry.  

A coffee date confusion left me up early, and no where to go, so I decided to pick up the tripod, grab a cup of coffee from Starbucks and head to the wetlands.  This is me - this is what I enjoy, being behind the camera looking at all the incredible birds, plants, and natural wildlife.  

This would be my self portrait.  I would be happy.  I am a wildlife photographer predominantly. I enjoy taking photo's of birds, raccoon, alligators, a bobtail (if I ever saw one).  People on the other hand, I am limited with, but am exploring the possibilities of stepping into that arena.  

But, back to me, I am determined.  I am going to do this.  There are a couple of spots on the board walk that I really like.  So I head there.  Both are long walkways shaded by trees.  So I set up the tripod at the first stop, play around with my settings, set the timer and then run to the other side to get the shot. 

This is the kind of photo I like - a partial. People walking passed think I am nuts, just saying. They either speed walking past you or slowly meandering down the walkway that you are taking your self portraits on or just stopping to watch you - which was not fun either. Just when they get out of the way along comes someone else from the far side. Twiddle your thumbs, stop to chat about the weather, and then suddenly all is clear and so you focus again and rush to the other side of the camera.  So I am not in the photo - (I am good with that), but let's try again. 

This time I pick a focal point but somehow I am not anywhere near where I picked. Its blurry and truth be told,  I am kind of okay with this as well because you do not see the laughter lines.

Ok, so let's do once more in this area and then I am heading onto the next area that I would like to shoot in.  As you can see I am pretty casual.  We are beach kind of people hence the tan.  Jeans and t-shirt are my kind of dress code.  On any day other than a work day you will find me dressed down with flip flops on my feet.  

I stopped at this point to take some photo's.  I deleted them all.  But I really liked the flower so I thought I would share it with you.  It is apparently called an Alligators Flag

Moving on I discovered, I really do not know what to do with my arms.  They are annoying in photographs.  I kept thinking triangles, but that was not working for me.  Despite that, I really love this walkway.  There is a canopy of trees that frame the walkway and on a hot day it cools you down for the briefest of moments.

I feel like I am getting into this.  You may have noticed I favor looking one way. That is due to the cows lick in the front of my hair that gives me this big open space when I face the other way.  All you see is fore head.   

Do I sound like I am a little harsh on myself, probably.  But  life has been a journey.  I have earned those laughter lines and the gray hairs.  I have learned lessons along the way.  

You start out in your twenties with all these ambitions - goals you want to achieve in your life. In your thirties you think - got kids, got responsibilities, and your goals change.  In my case I had a child that had 17 operations, when I say I earned the gray hairs, I really did. Those operations kept me on my knees.  

In your forties, the kids are somewhat independent and it frees you up to do what your heart and passion calls you to do.  I have spent the last 12 years serving women. Some days it is hard, some days you see miracles, some days you just want to curl up in a corner and block out the world.  

I am now in my fifties, and I am conscious of the fact I have already lived a good percentage of my life.  Just this past 2 years I switched it up a gear, took up photography, found another passion to go along with the one I have, and I have to confess I love being behind the camera.

If I can give any level of encouragement - Be who you have been created to be. Don't try to be someone else.  Each of us are given certain talents - use them and use them well.  Live life to it's fullest, embrace each day as best you can, accept it for what it offers, and strive to do good wherever you can.  That smile you receive through the tears will break your heart, and fill it with joy.  Reach out and connect.  Love abundantly. Touch lives.  Yours will be touched as well.  

"Let us always meet each other with a smile, for the smile is the beginning of love".
~ Mother Theresa

"Not all of us can do great things, But we can do small things with great love"
~ Mother Theresa

If you are interested in seeing more of my photography take a look at my Facebook page or my Flickr Page


  1. love this, sharleen! so nice to see you in front of the camera for a change :)
